Use GoAgent and GAE to get a Free & Open Internet



  1. Do you have a Google account, no? Go and register one.

  2. Create a application on Google App Engine, open Google App Engine, create a new application, remember the AppID(Application Identifier).

  3. Get GoAgent, SwitchyOptions.bak, and GoogleAppEngine, Open GoAgent, and SwitchOptions.bak, download it, If something goes wrong, you can use this address(if it still working after a long time):” backup address, download it, if not, it’s on you own, try (Google Bing, Yahoo GoAgent).

  4. Get Google App Engine, Google App Engine SDK for Python

  5. Windows process GoAgent and Google App Engine

  6. Linux (under command line) process GoAgent and Google App Engine

  7. It almost done, when you want use it, run goagent/local/goagent.exe (windows) or python (Linux), and change your local proxy  IP into, port: 8087 manually. We want it automatically, so if you are using Chrome, you are lucky.

  8. Every Google account can create 10 Google applications, and each application have 1GB data bandwidth, it's enough to daily use.