My playlist
- Beyond by Beyond.
- Friends by Huajian Zhou
- Social Network Soundtrack
- Star Trek Soundtrack by Michael Giacchino
- Main Theme - The classic.
- Sub Prime Directive
- Serenity from the film Serenity (2005) - Soundtrack
Related to music
- A film about how amazing the music is - August Rush (2007): on IMDB, on Wikipedia, Note: Very beautiful, amazing, I can feel the power of music, it's like my neuro-network have been programmed by music.
- A course about listening to music from Yale university (Open Yale), Listening to Music - Open Yale Course by [Prof. Craig Wright]
Cognition - What is Music
Music is a protean art
Song: It lends itself easily to alliances with words, as in song.
Dance: Song with physical movement, as in dance.
Ritual and drama: Music is adjunct to.
Music can reflect and influence human Emotion.
[Capacity] Music has been credited with the capacity to reflect and influence human emotion, and that possibilities was consistently exploited by popular culture, most conspicuously today by means of radio, film, television, and the musical theatre.
Music can effect human behaviour
The implications of uses of music in psychotherapy, geriatrics, and advertising testify to a faith in its power to effect human behaviour.
Music so great? What we do about music? What people's action about music
Publications and recordings have effectively internationalized music in its most significant, as well as its most trivial, manifestations. Beyond all this, the teaching of music is primary and secondary schools has now attained virtually worldwide acceptance.
My own theory
- Pattern Sympathetic Vibration: Music contain patterns, if the music pattern is close/similar to the patterns from human brain conciousness or activity, then Pattern Synpathetic Vibration will appeared, and the pattern in brain will turning to the pattern in music. Just image the patterns in music are like computer programs, human brain can excutes the programs, as a consequence, human changed somethings (emotion, behaviour).
[1] "music." Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite. Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, 2011. (Just finish Introduction part)