Status Update by Xueliang (Albert) Han

Date: from July 16 to July 29, 2013

Travel: An 8000KM trip to HK and Macau.

Date: from July 06 to July 15, 2013

Find hotel, rent apartment, and get messy stuff done.

Date: from July 01 to July 05, 2013

Packing and mailing, leaving and start new life.

Date: from June 11 to July 30, 2013

The last time in college.

Date: from June 08 to June 10, 2013.

Finish the blog transfer, all posts in old blog has been transfered into new site

Date: from June 01 to June 08, 2013.

Finish the hack Hackintosh - Install Mac OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) on ThinkPad X61T (Tablet).

Date: from March 01 to March 19, 2013.

Finish the graduation design and implement the program.

Date: April 18, 2013.

Focus on graduation design, paper, exam.

Date: April 13, 2013.

A secondary task - What I'm trying to do and I am gonna get it done no matter how many times being a dead body is that making this picture disappeared naturally without any techniques or whatever else, deep from my heart, I'm very tired of them, I have see enough of them, and I don't want to see them any more, any longer. (You know what the picture means in China)

Date: March 12, 2013.

I will graduate from college this year (Jul 2013), currently, I'm working on my career, do some enjoyable programming/developing and find a job related to this, meantime, I'm keep monitoring the industry trend, know what industry actually need, and keep learning and practising deep core knowledge and skills of Computer Science, like algorithms, coding, data structure, software design, operating system, compiler, database, networking.

Besides, there are some things I also want to do.

As a young software engineer, my 20s' dream is using technology to build revolutionary product to help people live better by working for the best people in the Top High-Tech company like Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft, etc. As far as I know, there are three ways to achieve my dream.