Computer Science
Engineers (Engineering)
Scientist (Science)
Entrepreneur, Enterprise, and Company-Leader
Social Science and Politics
Alan Kay 艾伦-凯 4.5XTuring Award (2003), created Object Oriented Technology, Smalltalk.
D. Kunth(高德纳克努图) 4.5X (TAOCP&TeX )
Dennis Ritchie (丹尼斯)4.5X
Dan Friedman (Compiler & Computer Programming Language)
John McCarthy麦卡锡 LISP 4.5X
Aaron Swartz 3.5X
Bill Joey 4.5X
Eric Steven Raymond, Eric Steven Raymond's Website, here are some article I thought was very good!
Evan Martin [Googler], Evan Martin's Site, here are some article I thought was very insight:
Jeffrey Dean 3.5X [Computer Architecture]
John Carmack 约翰-卡马克 4.5X [Computer Graphic Programming Master, then Research rocket]
Linus Torvalds 4.5X, [OS Master]
Eric Zhivalyuk (ewoah) - A Professional Web Developer
, Web Designer
, and IT consultant
. Also have vast experience in Online Marketing
, Tech Investment
, Design / Branding
, Programming
, Networking / Server Infrastructure
, Software and Hardware
. His Website, His Experience (Resume) - A lot, His Projects - A lot companies and clients.
Albert Einstein - Keep Self-Educating 5X
John von Neumann(冯诺依曼) 5X
Richard Feynman
Nikola Tesla 5X
Michio Kaku(加莱道雄) - 最后,我引用了加来道雄《超越时空》中的话作为结束:“有些人通过个人所得、个人关系或者个人经历寻求生命的意义。然而,在我看来,有幸得到能领悟自然之最终奥秘的智慧,才赋予生命充分的意义。”